Monday, September 03, 2007

Tried Mountan Biking today

A couple guys from work were going to Huntsville State Park to ride the trails today. Luckily Matt had an extra bike and asked if I would like to join them. What a work out.

We got to the park about 8:00 am. Matt lead us through the route. Stopping every so often to allow me to catch up. The route was challenging for a first time trail rider. There were several places where I had to figure out how to climb a rut which required hopping the font wheel.

The entire trail was about 9.5 miles. We rode it twice. The second time Matt rode like he will for his race in two weeks. Chris also rode hard for the second loop. I just rode at the pace that I felt comfortable. I made sure that I could stay on the route, and tried to not stop or put my foot down unless I had to. I did pretty well, I only had to put my foot down 4 times. Once because I hit the soft sand, once because I turned right when I should have turned left. Another was because I could not get over the tree root that was about a foot off the ground. The last one was because I chose the wrong line and hit a small tree on the side of the route.

What fun. I don't know if I will buy a mountain bike or not, but it was fun.